Operations and Procedures Manual

IP 2.23 Posting Procedure

The following procedure for posting of materials on campus is applicable to all employees, students, and campus visitors.  Northeastern prohibits the solicitation, distribution, and/or posting of materials, including electronic and campus mail distribution, on Northeastern property and/or systems by any employee or non-employee, except as may be permitted by the Northeastern Administration through the Vice President for Student Services.  The sole exception to this procedure is distribution of information for college, charitable, or community related events and activities directly supported by Northeastern Administration and/or Northeastern sponsored programs related to the Northeastern mission and goals. The posting of materials on painted and varnished surfaces can cause damage and/or excessive time and materials to remove, clean, and/or repaint or varnish.  Persons posting any material in or on any campus building or property must comply with the following requirements:

  1. Local businesses may not solicit by posting items in any of the campus buildings without the proper approval of the Vice President for Student Services.  Prior to posting, items to be posted must be approved, stamped, and dated in the Students Services Office located in HSC 120.  It will be up to the discretion of the individual residence hall directors as to whether or not flyers for local businesses will be placed at the check-out desks in each of the residence halls.
  2. Employees may not solicit other employees during work times, except in connection with a Northeastern approved or sponsored event (i.e. Student Club Fundraiser).
  3. Campus administrative assistants are authorized to approve posting of notices that originate in their specific divisions or offices.
  4. Centralized Services may also approve on-campus notices for posting.
  5. Person posting items may only post on bulletin boards, laminate surfaces, or cork strips.
  6. Items may not be posted on any painted or varnished surfaces.  Please use push pins on bulletin boards/cork strips.  No masking tape will be allowed (blue clean release masking tape is acceptable).
  7. Items may be posted for a period of up to 30 days.  The individual or organization that posts items must remove those items within 24 hours after the scheduled event or the 30-day time period.
  8. Any posted items that are contrary to policy or deemed inappropriate will be removed and destroyed by building personnel.
  9. The individual or organization requesting approval for posting accepts the responsibility for the posters plus any damages that may occur due to noncompliance of posting policies as determined by the Vice President for Student Services.
  10. Questions concerning this policy should be directed to the Vice President for Student Services, HSC 120, Ext. 6672.