9am – 10am: Employer check-in and setup
10am – 1:30pm: We will have employers grouped by industry. Schools will rotate through each area and be given time to explore the careers presented by our employer partners. We ask that employers have interactive activities that represent the job duties in their industry.
(Bagged lunch will be delivered to each employer table at noon).
2pm – 3pm: We will give college students the opportunity to explore careers in their fields of study. This will be a great time for employers and students to connect about sponsorships, internships, or job placement. Feel free to exchange contact information and schedule interviews. Top of Form
3pm – 4pm: Employer Tear down and check-out
Please ask us about our job posting platform Handshake. It is a great resource for employers and college students to connect.
Partners and schools from the following counties have been invited to participate:
Logan County, Sedgwick County, Philips County, Washington County, Yuma County, Morgan County, Weld County, Kit Carson County.