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When I started attending NJC I was blown away by the compassion of the professors.

Northeastern was the best choice because I got what I wanted. NJC made it happen!

Northeastern Junior College currently has no protocols in place for COVID-19 or COVID variants, and the State of Colorado no longer has COVID public health orders in effect since the expiration of the federal public health emergency on May 11, 2023. Please refer to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) websites for the latest guidance regarding symptoms, vaccines, exposure, prevention, testing, and what to do if you are sick.
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Northeastern Junior College COVID-19 Protocols for Fall 2022 and Spring 2023
This year, we are asking students to be proactive regarding COVID-19 and all health concerns. If a student feels ill, we ask that the student stay home or stay in their residence hall room until they are no longer feeling sick.
Students who are ill should monitor their symptoms closely and seek medical assistance if symptoms linger or worsen. Sick students should notify their instructors and make arrangements to make up any missed classes and/or missed assignments.
Northeastern Junior College will not be administering COVID-19 tests. However, if a student is symptomatic or exposed and would like to test, there are self-administered “home” tests available in the Housing Office, Hays 113. Students may also seek testing elsewhere in the community where COVID testing is offered. If a student tests positive for COVID-19, we ask that the student notify the Housing Office or the Vice President of Student Services for additional guidance.
The Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommends that a person who has tested positive self-isolate or quarantine for 5 days. Upon returning to class or work, the person testing positive should wear a mask for an additional 5 days to reduce the chances of spreading COVID to others.
On-campus students who test positive and need to isolate may do so in their rooms. They should wear masks when they go to the residence hall restrooms. They need to make arrangements for meals by contacting the Housing Office or their Hall Director. A roommate who has been exposed to a positive case of COVID should monitor themselves or test following the exposure. They may also contact the Housing Office if they have specific questions.
Northeastern Junior College custodial staff will continue to spray static disinfectant in any indoor location where a known positive COVID exposure has occurred.
As always, Northeastern Junior College will follow the guidance of the Northeast Colorado Health Department (NCHD) and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE). Click on the following links to learn more about COVID-19 in Logan County and in the State of Colorado.
Northeast Colorado Health Department:
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment:
See the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) website for specific guidance for college and university students:
Currently, there are no county or state-issued COVID mandates in place for Northeastern Junior College. In March, random COVID testing of unvaccinated students and employees was discontinued at Northeastern Junior College. We are still required to report known positive COVID cases and known COVID exposures to the Colorado Community College System (CCCS) on a weekly basis. Furthermore, we will continue to follow quarantine and isolation guidelines, as recommended by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) and the Northeast Colorado Health Department
Regarding COVID testing, effective immediately, Northeastern Junior College will no longer be randomly testing our unvaccinated students and employees. All random COVID testing is discontinued. Previous isolation and quarantine protocols remain in effect for students and employees who discover that they are positive for COVID or that they have been exposed to someone who is positive. To learn more about those protocols, please scroll down to the updates on this page dated 01/12/2022.
Following the latest recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the following protocols are being implemented at Northeastern Junior College beginning in the Spring 2022 semester.
The new CDC guidance shortens the Isolation and Quarantine periods, but adds a 5-day strict use of a “well-fitted” mask requirement. Because the COVID Rapid Tests are reportedly less sensitive to the Omicron variant, identifying symptoms and management of those symptomatic will be critical to limit NJC’s impact from COVID in Spring 2022.
The previously communicated protocols for random testing of unvaccinated students and employees are still in effect for Spring 2022 (See update on 12/02/2021).
Employees with questions should direct their questions to their supervisor and/or the Director of Human Resources. Students with questions should direct their questions to the Vice President of Student Services.
These guidelines are subject to change based on guidance from the CDC and the state and local health departments.
For exposures to positive COVID cases, here are the protocols:
Each classroom instructor has the right to require that students wear a well-fitted mask while in their classroom.
When I started attending NJC I was blown away by the compassion of the professors.
Northeastern was the best choice because I got what I wanted. NJC made it happen!