
A Winning Tradition Since 1965!

The Northeastern Rodeo Team has the winning tradition and attitude of a champion. Northeastern is where it is all at; come and check us out. Attitude breeds success and when you see our winning attitude it will become clear why NJC is the place to be.

It's All About the Attitude

In rodeo, every contestant wants to be number one.  Ask yourself, how do I get to the next level?  At Northeastern, we train our student-athletes to have the "mental edge.” From high school to the pros, it’s all about attitude. Coach Cullen will prepare and push you to give a little more and work just a little harder.  With his guidelines you will have the mental edge to be successful in the arena and in the classroom. 

Here are some of the key ingredients our students are taught when attending Northeastern that help them have the mental edge.

  1. Emphasize Positive Experiences
    Mentally reliving successful runs and rides builds confidence that that great performance can be repeated. "I know I can do it because I've done it before."
  2. Commit to the Positive Attitude
    Only by making a serious and sincere determination to believe in an attitude can it be effective. Attitudes are not about lip service; they demand dedication, just like the Northeastern rodeo team.
  3. Visualize Positive Expectations
    Sometimes cowboys or cowgirls needs to stop and visualize themselves making that perfect start or mark out. The more realistic the visualization, the more impact it will have. By seeing themselves succeed in their mind, competitors are reinforcing a winning attitude.
  4. Commitment and Repetitious Affirmations of a Positive Attitude
    As with everything in life, attitudes demand practice and regular re-dedication.  Cowboys or cowgirls must reestablish their goals and re-new their reason for providing such intense dedication.

"Are you willing to pay the price to be a champion?"

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Student & Alumni Profiles

Michael Chavez
Student Profile
Michael Chavez

I am actually interested in what I am learning. I learn something new every day and the teachers are willing to help us take our education wherever we want to go.

Alex sitting at in a library
Student Profile
Alexander J. Norell

I choose NJC for its affordability and its rather informal education style. Because it is a small college you have more one on one opportunities with your instructors.

Photo of Mar Danes, from Spain
Student Profile
Mar Danes, Spain

Don't be scared and live the experience! You will learn a new language but also learn a new culture and this will help you grow.


Brian Cullen
Agriculture Business Management Faculty
Brian Cullen
Shelby Winchell
Equine Management Faculty and Rodeo Coach
Photo of Shelby Winchell she has brown shoulder length hair wearing a pink shirt and eye glasses.