
Rodeo FAQ


Complete the Northeastern Rodeo Scholarship Form and submit a video. You will then be contacted by a Northeastern Rodeo Coach to set-up a meeting and tour our campus. During this meeting, we will discuss your academic and rodeo goals. The "team" will consist of 6 men and 4 women. These individuals are chosen by the coach each week. Those chosen on the "team" will score points that will count toward the team standings. Those not on the "team" have the same opportunity to score points as those on the "team". They get to keep their individual points.
You must enroll in 12 academic hours per semester. This does not include PE activity courses. You must complete 12 hours per semester and pass at least 9 hours. You must have a semester GPA of 2.00 or 2.00 cumulative. You must pass 24 hours per year. If you drop below 12 hours, you cannot rodeo the next semester. See the NIRA rule book at for complete rules.
At Northeastern we strive for student development and academic excellence along with taking your rodeo skills to the next level. Academics come first and our goal is for you to get a degree. If you do not meet the GPA requirements, you will lose your privilege to rodeo and to practice.
Yes, you can apply for a scholarship online here. Please fill it out by the deadline. It is mandatory that you include a video of yourself competing. Then, contact Coach Brian Cullen to schedule a visit. Scholarships are awarded based on competition, experience and grades. Individuals should also apply for Federal and State Student Financial Aid.
There are 10 rodeos held in the Central Rocky Mountain Region of the NIRA. The fall rodeos are held in Chadron, Nebraska, Riverton, Wyoming, Sheridan, Wyoming, Lamar, Colorado, and Cheyenne, Wyoming. In the spring they are held in Gillette, Wyoming, Torrington, Wyoming, Fort Collins, Colorado, Casper, Wyoming, and Laramie, Wyoming. Each rodeo starts on Friday and ends Saturday night with the "long round" where each contestant gets the chance to compete in his or her event once. On Sunday the top ten from the "long round" come back and get to compete in the "short round." Points are awarded to first through sixth place in the "long round,"  "short round," and "average." The rodeos also pay out the jackpotted entry fees to the one-four position in the rounds and average.
Yes, Northeastern has a stalling facility with 60 covered runs within riding distance to the practice arenas. These runs were built for the rodeo team and are three hundred dollars per horse per semester. There are water hydrants in the middle of each shed row and a perimeter fence. Students are responsible for their own horse's welfare and feed. Trailer parking is available at this facility.
Northeastern's practice facility is second to none. We have 3 arenas including an indoor facility. Rodeo here is a sport, and we train and practice daily. Northeastern provides its athletes involved in rodeo with plenty of practice stock to work on calf roping, team roping, breakaway roping, steer wrestling, goat tying, and barrel racing. Rain or shine, Tuesday through Friday, we practice all events in a circuit fashion.
Contestants are responsible for their own travel accommodations. However, usually the students will pair up and travel together to cut costs. Some travel with the rodeo coaches.
Yes, each person pays an entry fee per event, per rodeo, and unlike other college sports where the participants cannot compete for cash, we do not have the same restrictions. Students who have a good weekend can pocket over $1000 a weekend.




Brian Cullen
Agriculture Business Management Faculty
Brian Cullen
Shelby Winchell
Equine Management Faculty and Rodeo Coach
Shelby Winchell
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