Colorado flag flying with a blue sky in the background

Colorado Initiatives

CareForwardColorado and CareerAdvanceColorado are two initiatives by the state of Colorado that are providing more opportunities for individuals to pursue career and technical programs, as well as healthcare careers. These initiatives provide tuition funding for higher education so that more people can have access to these valuable programs and be better prepared for a career in the workforce.

Not only do these initiatives help improve the lives of students by helping them access quality education, but they also help to create a more diverse workforce with different backgrounds and experiences. By increasing access to career and technical programs, employers will gain a stronger pool of talent that is capable of meeting their needs and the needs of their communities.

These two innovative initiatives open up a world of possibilities for those who want to learn new skills or pursue a new occupation. Start your educational career here at Northeastern!

Student & Alumni Profiles

Nolan White
Student Profile
Nolan White

NJC helped me obtain my GED and from there has only pushed me further to continue my education.

Tanner Olinger
Student Profile
Tanner Olinger

My favorite part about studying Fire Science is I can always see a practical application for what I am learning.

Dylan Cranwell
Student Profile
Dylan Cranwell

I am saving so much money when I compare the tuition here to any other large university.