Open Educational Resources

Open Educational Resources

United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) defines open educational resources as "Open Educational Resources (OER) are teaching, learning and research materials in any medium--digital or otherwise--that reside in the public domain or have been released under an open license that permits no-cost access, use, adaption and redistribution by others with no or limited restrictions" Open Educational Resources | UNESCO


Creative Commons is a non-profit organization that works on a global scale to help overcome legal challenges regarding copyright and the sharing of information. They do this by providing various Creative Commons licenses which are free of charge and public domain tools that give people a way to freely share their creative and academic works while ensuring proper attribution and allowing others to copy, distribute, and make use of those works. Creative Commons does not work in lieu of copyright laws, but works within those laws. The Creative Commons licenses are simple to use, simple to obtain, and a great way to make sure that the creative and academic works you produce are fit for use by students and colleagues alike.

Student & Alumni Profiles

Rayna Medeles
Student Profile
Rayna Medeles

I've taken some hard courses that, at the beginning, I would never have thought I could ever get past. It's awesome how dedicated the professors here are!

Photo of Augustin Warnod from France
Student Profile
Augustin Warnod, France

If I had to say something about Northeastern it's that it's a very family-run university and it feels great. All the professors and staff of the university are very nice and kind.

Mckenna standing in front of a tree and building
Student Profile
Mckenna Bone

What I like the most about NJC is that my classes are fun and interesting, and I learn something new every day! My professors make the classes fun and engaging, and the information I learn is fascinating.