Operations and Procedures Manual

IP 2.22 Library Services- Monahan Learning Center

The library provides many services to the college faculty.  Faculty members are encouraged to recommend materials for acquisition, including books, periodicals, reference works, audio-visual materials, and electronic resources.  In addition, the Library Staff will often solicit faculty input regarding the weeding of library collections (the withdrawing of outdated resources) in subject disciplines. The library offers interlibrary loan services and access to the library’s online catalog and other electronic journal databases.

Faculty members have various loan periods, dictated by material type. For example, faculty members may check out instructional videos for four weeks. Faculty members may also request that the Library Director approve extended loan periods for reference and other monograph titles, as well as for some AV materials. If another library user requests materials that are on extended loan to faculty members, the faculty member will be asked to return the materials; the item(s) may then be rechecked out after the other user is finished. Faculty members are not assessed overdue fines, except for those associated with interlibrary loan materials. Faculty members may be held responsible to pay replacement costs assessed on any lost materials. Any questions regarding library services can be answered by calling ext. 6612.