Academic Standards Handbook

3.14 Academic Renewal

The Academic Renewal Procedure allows former NJC students to apply for establishment of a new academic record. A student may be granted an "Academic Renewal" only once, and if approved by the Academic Standards Committee and accepted by the student, the decision will be final. 

The following guidelines apply:

1.   30 hours can be excluded from GPA

2.   Students must be out of school for 2 years before being eligible

3.   Students must be enrolled and have completed at least 6 hours with a 2.0 minimum GPA

4.   Students can only apply for Academic Renewal once and it is not reversible. 

A student granted an “Academic Renewal” would have demarcation on the permanent academic record to identify courses not used to compute the cumulative GPA under the “Academic Renewal” procedure. The student’s transcript will reflect the entire academic record while only the grades earned after the “Academic Renewal” will be used to compute the new cumulative grade point average. Credits for those courses in which a grade of “C” or better was awarded prior to the “Academic Renewal” may be applied toward graduation requirements under the “Academic Renewal” procedure.

Previous classes/grades will remain on the permanent transcript and may be evaluated by other receiving institutions when a student transfers.  “Academic Renewal” applies only to the student’s academic standing.  Previous grades will impact Financial Aid eligibility and are subject to interpretation by specific Financial Aid Procedure.

The Records Office and the Academic Standards Committee will review the applicant’s academic record and the student will receive notification of the decision within thirty (30) days by mail.

Call 970-521-6659 for additional information and clarification on this procedure.


  1. A student must submit a letter of request to NJC Records Office for an Academic Renewal.
  1. The Records Office will check the student’s transcript for eligibility, and if eligible, forward the request of eligible students to the Chair of the Academic Standards Committee for review.
  1. The Academic Standards Committee will review and make recommendations for approval or denial prior to a semester pre-registration or registration period.
  1. The NJC Records Office, after a thorough review of the student’s transcript, will identify and recommend the appropriate academic term to declare an Academic Renewal.
  1. The Records Office will compute an Academic Renewal GPA from the designated academic term and provide the student with an Academic Renewal Transcript.


  1. The student’s transcript will reflect the entire academic record and no courses will be deleted.
  1. Only grades earned after the Academic Renewal will be used to compute the new cumulative grade point average.
  1. Courses with a C grade or better prior to the Academic Renewal may be applied toward graduation requirements.
  1. Academic Renewal will not change Satisfactory Progress for Financial Aid eligibility and previous grades are subject to interpretation by specific Financial Aid Procedure.