Operations and Procedures Manual

Position Description: Faculty Member

Department: Instructional Program Areas as Assigned

Supervisor: Department Chair

Level: Exempt, Faculty

Term: 163 Days

Position Objective

Faculty members are expected to support the mission, vision, philosophy, and goals of the college. Faculty members are expected to create positive and active learning environments in their classrooms and laboratories. They should have high expectations of their students and themselves. Faculty members must realize that they contribute directly to student success, retention, transfer, and graduation based on their abilities in the classroom. They must treat all students fairly and with respect. Faculty members must understand that students have different learning styles and must strive to provide variation in their teaching methods so that all students have the opportunity to learn and succeed. Since NJC is an iPad college, instructors are expected to incorporate iPad technology into their courses whenever appropriate.  They must cooperate with other faculty, staff, and the community to make it possible for NJC to achieve its stated vision and philosophy. 

General Responsibilities:

The NJC faculty member is expected to:

  1. Provide effective classroom instruction as measured by the student success and persistence rates. This responsibility involves preparation and planning, both long-range and immediate; understanding application of sound professional teaching methods; and the development and maintenance of effective student, faculty, and community relationships.  Faculty members must demonstrate ability to inspire students to learn. This, perhaps, is the instructor’s most important responsibility.
  2. Willingly accept certain other duties as required by the state of Colorado and Northeastern Junior College.  These include academic advising, committee work, and campus participation beyond the classroom (sponsoring activities/groups, student clubs, etc.).
  3. Embrace their role as an academic advisor, including becoming familiar with the NJC academic advising philosophy, programs, graduation requirements, college services, processes, procedures, placement scores and other placement methods, transferability of courses, career opportunities, etc. More specific information is available from their Department Chair or the Counseling and Advising Office.
  4. Maintain a primary teaching assignment area.  This assignment includes working with students, generally in their own major field of specialization.
  5. Accept responsibility for learning about, contributing to, and supporting the assessment of student academic achievement at the college, program, and course level.
  6. Be acquainted with and observe practices and procedures set out in the Operating Procedures Manual and SBCCOE Policy Manual.
  7. Dedicate a minimum of 40 hours of work per week, including working on campus a minimum of six hours per day, excluding lunch. In addition to their normal duties, faculty members are required to be available to students a minimum of six (6) hours per week in set office hours. These are to be noted in the faculty member's Outlook calendar.
  8. Attend professional staff, department, and program meetings.
  9. Facilitate regular communications by reading all email messages, listening to telephone voice messages, and responding in a timely fashion.
  10. File copies of course syllabi for all classes with their Department Chair and Administrative Assistant within the first two weeks of the start of the course.
  11. Maintain effective security measures with regard to examinations and testing materials.
  12. Utilize the college’s Learning Management System (Desire-to-Learn - D2L aka Brightspace) for all courses and maintain student grades in the D2L gradebook. Grades must be posted to D2L in a timely manner in order to keep students informed of their progress and grade status throughout the course. Instructors must record student information and grades in a confidential way so as to protect the student’s identity.
  13. Report no-show attendance, mid-term grades, and final grades according to announced deadlines. 
  14. Follow the published final exam schedule.  The appropriate Department Chair must approve any variation.
  15. Become acquainted with library materials and audio-visual aids that are available to improve teaching.
  16. Become familiar with the state course content for each course they teach as listed on the CCCS Common Course Numbering website.  
  17. Consult with the Department Chair with regard to materials needed for classroom instruction including changes of texts, eBooks, and other digital content.
  18. Submit estimates for materials or other expenditures according to budget preparation schedule in the faculty member’s instructional area.
  19. Assist in publicizing newsworthy activities by providing information to the NJC Director of Communication and Public Relations, Marketing.
  20. Help in the preparation of brochures and other promotional materials dealing with their subject matter area as requested.
  21. Cooperate with Counseling & Assessment Services by making reports on academic advisees as requested.
  22. Report personal absences to the Department Chair as soon as the faculty member knows it will be impossible to attend work.
  23. Document the last date of attendance and/or last date of class activity for all students.
  24. Supply evidence of teaching effectiveness and college service to his or her Department Chair annually by completing all aspects and phases of the faculty performance and evaluation document by the stated deadlines.
  25. Participate in graduation ceremonies.
  26. Be familiar with emergency response plans and procedures.
  27. Complete required training as indicated by Human Resources, i.e. Canopy.
  28. Complete required training regarding web accessibility and adhere to established guidelines for preparing and posting materials to course shells, web pages, etc.

Position Standards:

NJC faculty members are expected to meet most or all of the following standards.

  1. Appropriate degrees and credentials required for the discipline or position.
  2. Knowledge of and experience with computer programs.
  3. Prior academic/work experience in an accredited institution of higher education (preferred).
  4. Experience in teaching a diverse population (preferred).
  5. Experience in the world of work, business, industry, government, or agriculture while applying one’s discipline (highly desired).

NOTE: Each faculty member is required to provide official transcripts to the Human Resource Office upon hiring and upon completion of any further coursework throughout their time of employment.

Updated 6/2016

Faculty Performance Plan and Evaluation Form


Employee Name: _____________________________     S-Number: _________________


Supervisor Name: _____________________________    Department: ________________


Evaluation Period From: __________ To: __________    

Standard factor weights: 70% teaching 30% service

Indicate any changes to the standard factors: ____% Teaching    ____% Service

Indicate any changes to the standard factors: ____% Teaching    ____% Service


Evaluation Process

Establishing Performance Objectives

Faculty members write performance objectives for the two evaluation categories of Teaching and Service.  Performance objectives should be written in specific terms that produce measurable results and which identify the value added to the institution.  Performance objectives should be formulated based on State Board priorities, the College’s Strategic Plan, instructional and departmental goals, the past year's evaluation, growth plan and performance objectives, and the Statement of Faculty Excellence.  Faculty members will send their completed Faculty Performance Plan and Evaluation Form outlining their proposed performance objectives to their supervisor at least one week prior to the Initial Conference. The college administration and/or the supervisor may also require performance objectives of all or individual faculty based on previous performance and/or college/department goals.

Initial Conference

Faculty members meet with their supervisors to agree upon performance objectives.  The conferences must occur between May 15 and September 30 of each academic year.  New faculty members will have this conference as soon as possible after being hired.

Mid-Year Status Report

All faculty members must submit an electronic mid-year status report to their supervisor by February 15.  Provisional faculty and faculty members who received a “Needs Improvement” rating for the prior evaluation must meet with their supervisor by January 31 to discuss the mid-year status report and be evaluated on their progress.  This evaluation will be considered the second evaluation period for those faculty who received a “Needs Improvement” on their prior evaluation. A mid-year goals meeting can be requested by either the faculty member or department chair.

Year-End Self-Report

Faculty members must submit their Faculty Performance Planning and Evaluation form, reporting on the status of their performance objectives for the evaluation period.  A written description of how each objective has been met or progress made must be included.  Significant college activities in addition to performance objective accomplishments should also be included.  This document must be submitted to supervisors at least one week prior to the Summary Year-End Conference, but no earlier than May 5th and no later than May 25th.  The document serves as a basis for discussion between the faculty member and the supervisor during the Summary Conference.

Summary Conference and Supervisor’s Evaluation

The summary conference must occur between May 10th and June 10th.  The supervisor’s overall performance summary and overall performance evaluation rating will be completed and available for discussion and review at the summary conference. 

Supervisors provide a written evaluation and an overall performance rating determined by performance in all appropriate areas of responsibility, using the definitions of performance ratings provided on page 10 of this plan.  During the summary conference, the faculty member and supervisor will discuss the faculty member’s overall performance with regard to performance objectives, official job description, year-end self-report, supervisors’ personal observations, classroom visitation, Student Opinion of Instruction results, as well as the supervisor’s evaluation.  In addition, faculty members should be prepared to discuss their job satisfaction (what the supervisor and college could do to increase/improve performance, morale and job satisfaction), their strengths, professional growth, service activities and any potential areas of improvement. Upon conclusion of the summary conference, the supervisor may choose to change the rating, pending additional evidence presented by the faculty member.  A final copy of the completed and signed Faculty Performance Planning and Evaluation Form (signed by the faculty member, their supervisor, and the Vice President of Instruction) will be sent to the faculty members no later than June 30th.

Faculty Performance Evaluation Policy



To receive a rating of "Exemplary," a faculty member must demonstrate performance beyond "Commendable" in both teaching and service.  Evidence of exemplary performance must be documented within the performance evaluation. As this defines the very highest levels of achievement, it is difficult to earn and rarely repeated on a year by year basis.

Examples of the kinds of combinations of qualities or activities an "Exemplary" teacher might demonstrate include, but are not limited to: exceptional skills in both instructional delivery and course design and planning; engaging students at a high level; demonstrating a strong commitment to using assessment data to guide revision of his or her teaching methods to improve student outcomes; leading the integration of technology into the classroom; and/or developing quality courses or curriculum  either in the classroom or online.

For service, exemplary faculty typically perform their department and discipline responsibilities at a high level or take active leadership on initiatives that are consistent with college or department goals.  Examples of the type of efforts that might characterize exemplary service include, but are not limited to: effective leadership in college or system committees; developing and maintaining significant relationships in the community (with institutions such as K-12 districts, other colleges, or key business partners); making a contribution to their field of study, such as in published work, presentations, or service in a professional organization; and/or leadership in broader college initiatives that improve teaching and learning. Exemplary service should be consistent with the faculty member’s performance plan.


To receive a rating of "Commendable" a faculty member demonstrates competence in teaching and service, abides by all college guidelines and CCCS policies and procedures and meets department, college, and board goals related to his or her area of responsibility, including performance objectives defined in his or her performance plan.

Commendable faculty members meet basic instructional requirements, including following curriculum guidelines, college and department syllabus policies, assessment requirements and deadlines for schedules and grades.  They demonstrate currency in the field and in teaching methodology. They demonstrate skill in both instructional delivery and course design and planning, as well as a commitment to continuous improvement of student learning outcomes, including meeting college guidelines for assessment of student learning.

Commendable faculty members engage actively in service such as serving on department and college committees, engaging in department and college functions and activities, advising students as appropriate and demonstrating professional and courteous behavior. They also meet the critical duties of their assigned roles.  For example, if charged with managing a program, they meet all basic program requirements, including holding productive advisory committee meetings and appropriately advising students. Or, if charged with hiring and mentoring part-time instructors, they provide appropriate screening, orientation, and supervision, including classroom observations.

Needs Improvement

A faculty member "Needs Improvement" when he or she does not meet the criteria of a "Commendable" performance rating in either teaching or service - he or she fails to competently meet the teaching or program management standards outlined above or in college guidelines, fails to provide significant service to the college or department, or violates the expectation of professional and collegial behavior.  Any disregard for or violation of established CCCS policy or procedures or college guidelines may also result in this rating.


Job Performance Factors

Modification of Factor Weights

Factor weights may be modified from the 70% weight for Teaching and the 30% weight for Service.  According to SP 3-31, a "traditional load" for full-time faculty members is 70% teaching and 30% service -- this fits MOST faculty members. However, at certain times, a faculty member's load may be adjusted (ex. provisional faculty may have less service in their first year while instructional coaches, department chairs, or program directors may teach less, etc.). Percentages for teaching and service may be adjusted mid-year, as necessary, to reflect a change in duties. (Deadlines: September 30/ February 15) Supervisors must submit a list of faculty and the Modified Factor Weights to the VP of Instruction for review of consistency in determining percentages.

Faculty, in conversation with your supervisor, enters an approximate weight for your Teaching and Service for the fall AND spring semesters of this academic year.

Initial Conference 

Prior to September 30

Faculty Mid-year Status Report

Prior to February 15

  • No modification of factor weights
  • Modification of factor weights as follows:


 Modified Teaching Weight = ____%

 Modified Service Weight = ____%


Justification for modification:

  • No modification of factor weights
  • Modification of factor weights as follows:


 Modified Teaching Weight = ____%

 Modified Service Weight = ____%