Student Handbook

Article VII- Probation

Section 1.

Any club absent from two consecutive meetings within any period, or three cumulative in any semester shall be placed on probation.

  1. Probation shall be for an equivalent of four weeks to run concurrent with attendance at the future CAB meetings.
  2. Eligibility for financial assistance shall be reinstated immediately upon adjournment of the fourth meeting attended under probation.

Section 2.

A club or organization placed on probation shall be ineligible to receive financial assistance from CAB. The ineligibility to receive financial assistance shall be the only punitive action taken against and organization or club on probation.

Section 3.

The Chairperson of CAB shall insure that written notification is sent to the Sponsor of any organization or club after each absence from a CAB meeting and impending probation within one absence of warranting probation.

  1. This written notification shall be delivered no later than twenty-four hours prior to the next CAB meeting following the recorded absence.
  2. Delivery date, time and person(s) receiving notification of probation shall be recorded in writing entered into the minutes of the next regular CAB meeting.