Filippa Goula, Greece

Athens, Greece

What is your city/town known for? Is it different from Sterling?

The city that I live in is very different from Sterling. There are a lot of sights there and the most famous of that is the Parthenon.

If we could visit one place in your country, where would it be?

It would be the island of Santorini. It is one of the most beautiful islands in Greece. The view is stunning, and the places are wonderful.

Did you always know you wanted to study in the U.S.?

No, I decided to come here a year ago.

What were you excited or nervous about before you left?

I was so excited before I left but also I was so nervous about the trip and I was thinking all the time, "What do I do if I miss my flight?"

What advice would you give another student thinking of studying in the U.S.?

If they have the opportunity they should take it! It is a special experience to see the world in another way and spread their horizons.

Filippa Goula

One thing that I will never forget is when I came here everyone was so friendly and welcoming. If someone has an opportunity to come here, they should take it! It is a special experience to see the world in another way and spread their horizons.