Taner Brandner

Eckley, CO
High School
Tumwater High School
NJC Program

Why did you choose and/or what do you like about Northeastern? Why?

I chose NJC because it is the closet school to my home town so I have the flexibility to get my degree and be home every night.

What do you like about your area of study? Why?

I like the environment that NJC provides for learning. Also the teachers ability to make it feel less like a school and more like a group of friends hanging out, while still learning and retaining everything you need to know to succeed.  I like the instructors and feel NJC offers support and tools you need while in school and after graduation to be successful.

What do you plan to do after graduation?

I plan on entering the workforce close to my home town.

What inspires you?

I am inspired by my love of figuring out why something isn't working and making it work.

What is your favorite memory or awkward moment at Northeastern?

My favorite memory at NJC is the time spent getting an old excavator up and running to crush cars and the opportunity to learn more about it when the track slipped off.  There is just something about the feeling of accomplishment you get seeing something operating because of something you did.

Taner Brandner

The teachers make it feel less like a school and more like a group of friends hanging out, while still learning.