Operations and Procedures Manual

Appendix - B

IP 1.04 Faculty Performance Evaluation Policy



To receive a rating of "Exemplary," a faculty member must demonstrate performance beyond "Commendable" in both teaching and service.  Evidence of exemplary performance must be documented within the performance evaluation.

Examples of the kinds of combinations of qualities or activities an "Exemplary" teacher might demonstrate include, but are not limited to: exceptional skills in both instructional delivery and course design and planning; engaging students at a high level; demonstrating a strong commitment to using assessment data to guide revision of his or her teaching methods to improve student outcomes; leading the integration of technology into the classroom; and/or developing quality courses or curriculum, either in the classroom or online.

For service, exemplary faculty typically perform their department and discipline responsibilities at a high level or take active leadership on initiatives that are consistent with college or department goals.  Examples of the type of efforts that might characterize exemplary service include, but are not limited to: effective leadership in college or system committees; developing and maintaining significant relationships in the community (with institutions such as K-12 districts, other colleges, or key business partners); making a contribution to their field of study, such as in published work, presentations, or service in a professional organization; and/or leadership in broader college initiatives that improve teaching and learning.

Exemplary service should be consistent with the faculty member’s performance plan.


To receive a rating of "Commendable" a faculty member demonstrates competence in teaching and service, abides by all college guidelines and CCCS policies and procedures and meets department, college, and board goals related to his or her area of responsibility, including performance objectives defined in his or her performance plan.

Commendable faculty members meet basic instructional requirements, including following curriculum guidelines, college and department syllabus policies, assessment requirements and deadlines for schedules and grades.  They demonstrate currency in the field and in teaching methodology. They demonstrate skill in both instructional delivery and course design and planning, as well as a commitment to continuous improvement of student learning outcomes, including meeting college guidelines for assessment of student learning.

Commendable faculty members engage actively in service such as serving on department and college committees, engaging in department and college functions and activities, advising students as appropriate and demonstrating professional and courteous behavior. They also meet the critical duties of their assigned roles.  For example, if charged with managing a program, they meet all basic program requirements, including holding productive advisory committee meetings and appropriately advising students. Or, if charged with hiring and mentoring part-time instructors, they provide appropriate screening, orientation, and supervision, including classroom observations.

Needs Improvement

A faculty member "Needs Improvement" when he or she does not meet the criteria of a "Commendable" performance rating in either teaching or service - he or she fails to competently meet the teaching or program management standards outlined above or in college guidelines, fails to provide significant service to the college or department, or violates the expectation of professional and collegial behavior.  Any disregard for or violation of established CCCS policy or procedures or college guidelines may also result in this rating.

Job Performance Factors

Modification of Factor Weights

Factor weights may be modified from the 70% weight for Teaching and the 30% weight for Service.  According to SP 3-31, a "traditional load" for full-time faculty members is 70% teaching and 30% service -- this fits MOST faculty members. However, at certain times, a faculty member's load may be adjusted (ex. provisional faculty may have less service in their first year while instructional coaches, department chairs, or program directors may teach less, etc.). Percentages for teaching and service may be adjusted mid-year, as necessary, to reflect a change in duties. (Deadlines: September 30/ February 15) Supervisors must submit a list of faculty and the Modified Factor Weights to the VP of Instruction for review of consistency in determining percentages.

Faculty, in conversation with his or her supervisor, enters an approximate weight for Teaching and Service for the fall AND spring semesters of this academic year.

Initial Conference – Prior to September 30

Faculty Mid-year Status Report – Prior to February 15

  • No modification of factor weights
  • Modification of factor weights as follows:

 Modified Teaching Weight = ____%

 Modified Service Weight = ____%


Justification for modification:

  • No modification of factor weights
  • Modification of factor weights as follows:

 Modified Teaching Weight = ____%

 Modified Service Weight = ____%


Justification for modification:

Interpretation of Performance Ratings

As previously noted, there are three overall performance ratings for full-time faculty: Exemplary, Commendable, and Needs Improvement. A formal evaluation conference shall be held at least once during each evaluation cycle, and a written report of the conference (including the supervisor’s rationale for the rating) will be provided to the faculty member.

Although the Teaching and Service categories may be rated differently, faculty will receive only ONE final, narrative (not numerical) performance rating; to limit surprises in the final performance meeting, faculty and supervisors should be in direct conversation across the year! CCCS System Policy (SP 3-31) specifically notes that faculty members must receive a rating of “Commendable” or above in both Teaching and Service to receive an overall rating of “Commendable” or above. Final ratings will be earned as follows:

Rating For: Teaching

Rating For: Service

Final Combined Rating

Needs Improvement

Needs Improvement


Needs Improvement/

Needs Improvement

(no raise)

Needs Improvement

Exemplary OR



Needs Improvement/

Exemplary or Commendable

(no raise)

Exemplary OR


Needs Improvement


Exemplary or Commendable/

Needs Improvement

(no raise)





(base building increase)




Commendable/Exemplary *

(0.3% increase above base)




Exemplary /Commendable *

(0.5% increase above base)





(0.7% increase above base)

*Rating listed first carries the greatest weight. 

See Appendix C.

Statement of Faculty Excellence

Outstanding faculty create an engaging learning culture that reacts to the varied and changing needs of the learner; always striving for success of the learner and instructor.  The faculty at Northeastern Junior College (NJC) are ENGAGED in learning. 

E – Engaging- The outstanding faculty at NJC make an concerted effort to provide an engaging and interactive learning environment through the usage of current technology, pedagogy, and teaching/learning techniques.

N – Nonjudgmental – The outstanding faculty at NJC are nonjudgmental of learners backgrounds, previous knowledge, and existing needs.  They encourage the success in all students regardless of their race, creed, color, nationality, physical or mental challenges, sexual preference, and/or socioeconomic status. 

G – Generous – The outstanding faculty at NJC are generous with their time and talents.  They serve the college and their students’ needs with understanding and compassion.  They use their talents to help NJC fulfill its vision of being “Colorado’s premier two-year college of choice through excellence in education.”

A – Active – The outstanding faculty at NJC are active in the college and the community.  They serve in a variety of rolls within the college including being on national, state, and local committees.  They serve the community on local boards and in various service groups. 

G – Gracious – The outstanding faculty at NJC are gracious in their interactions with those they serve including: learners, colleagues and community members.  They are courteous, polite and respectful of others in the classroom, college and community. 

E – Encouraging – The outstanding faculty at NJC are encouraging to others. They encourage learning in all facets of life, and demonstrate the practice of life-long learning to their students and peers.  They encourage students and colleagues through difficult times both in school and in life. 

D – Dedicated – The outstanding faculty at NJC are dedicated to learning, both their students and their own.  They keep current in their chosen discipline, teaching and learning techniques, as well as the current needs of learners.