Editorial Style Guide and Brand Guidelines

School and Department Logos

When we look at the institutional structure of the college, we have areas that need a unique identifier but are still a part of the institution. Departmental logos allow for differentiation while building on the strength of Northeastern’s identity.

This system of department logos communicates to our community, students and donors that each department and division is supported by Northeastern, working toward fulfilling the vision and mission of the college, and supporting our brand promise.

  • College divisions (Adult and Community Education, Health Sciences, etc.)
  • College and division departments (Information Technology, International Students Office, etc.)

With our focus on the strength of the Northeastern brand, it’s important we treat our department names with consistency. To provide for a variety of applications, there are three fixed lockups: a vertical version and two horizontal versions. No department or program should use another logo instead of the Northeastern Junior College logo or appropriate division or departmental institutional logo.

Any graphic developed to market a program or service should never replace the Northeastern logo. All variations of the department logos should be requested from the Northeastern Marketing Department (Figure 10).

Examples of department logos
Figure 10: Examples of department logos.