Student Handbook

Article IV - Legislative Branch

Section 1. Student Senate

  1. The 1st Vice President shall chair the Student Senate.
  2. Membership
    1. The Student Senate shall be composed of members of the student body selected from one of the six following divisions: Agriculture, Business/ Cosmetology, Liberal Arts, Science/ Math, Health/ Human Performance/ Sport/ Nursing, Transportation/ Energy. Four Senators shall be selected per division as outlined in Article 4 Section 1-3.
    2. Vacancies shall be filled according to Article VI, Section II.
  3. Interviews
    1. Interviews will be held to elect full-time Senators from each of the six divisions. These interviews will be held before the end of the fourth week of the fall semester. The interview panel shall consist of the Director of Residence Life & Student Activities and the Executive Officers.

Section 2. Powers and Duties of the Student Senate:

The Student Senate shall:

  1. Approve the ASG Budget.
  2. Initiate amendments to the Constitution.
  3. Determine its own internal rules, regulations and procedures where not already determined by this constitution.
  4. Establish special committees to assist the Student Senate with this legislative function.
  5. Appropriate funds for special legislative committees with the ASG President’s approval under procedures defined by Article III, Section 4-3.
  6. All legislation, except procedural matters, may be sent to the President of the college for acknowledgment.
  7. Elect all other functioning officers of Senate.
  8. Shall have the option to over-ride a presidential veto by 2/3 vote of the total membership.

Section 3. Campus Activities Board

  1. The 2nd Vice President shall chair the CAB.
  2. Membership
    1. The CAB shall be composed of delegated representatives of chartered clubs.
    2. Participation in the CAB shall not be required of the chartered organization; however only active members of the CAB may secure CAB funds.

Section 4. Powers and Duties of the Campus Activities Board

The Campus Activities Board shall:

  1. Grant charters to organizations and clubs.
  2. Coordinate campus activities
  3. Allocate financial assistance to organizations.
  4. Determine its own internal rules, regulations and procedures where not already determined by this constitution.
  5. Elect all other functioning officers of the CAB.

Section 5. State Student Advisory Council (SSAC)

  1. The President-elect shall serve as the ASNJC representative to the State Student Advisory Council, and the First Vice President shall serve as the alternate in the event the President is unable to fulfill said duties as outline in Article 4 Section 6.

Section 6. Powers and Duties of the SSAC Representatives

The State Student Advisory Council Representatives from ASNJC shall:

  1. Represent NJC by attending monthly SSAC meetings.
  2. Vote at state meetings according to desires of the ASNJC Student Senate
  3. Report to Student Senate at the next regular Senate meeting following an SSAC meeting.
  4. Other Duties as assigned by the ASG Executive Committee.