
The Industrial Automation Associate of Applied Science degree includes stackable certificates including the Wind Technician, Industrial Safety, Industrial Maintenance, Industrial Electricity, and Industrial Controls certificates. The degree prepares students for careers in industries that range from food processing, material handling, process control, and advanced manufacturing with jobs that range from Quality Control Technician, Industrial Electrician, or PLC Technician.
Industries such as power generation, advanced manufacturing, and material handling are just a few that rely heavily on automated systems and machines. This trend will continue to grow as the cost to automate a process continues to fall. There is a large need for trained technicians in the industry that can keep up with the changing technology in these fields.
Students will complete their OSHA 10 Hour Construction Safety & Health, Climbing and Rescue, Rigging-Signal Person, and CPR certifications in their first year in the program. Students will become proficient with electrical, hydraulic, and mechanical systems.
Students will have the opportunity to build, troubleshoot, and repair combined electrical-mechanical-hydraulic systems that are found in industrial facilities. Students will learn to program and integrate various controllers to create automated equipment that is found in advanced manufacturing, material processing, and material handling.
There is a strong emphasis on safety throughout the program. The student will learn how to identify hazards in the work environment and take steps to eliminate or reduce the risk that exists.
Technicians typically work with combined mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, and electrical equipment. Most technicians are required to work with limited supervision so a strong work ethic and technical competence are highly sought qualities of entry-level employees.
Course Number | Course Title | Credits | Details |
EIC101EIC1101 |
Job Training and Safety | 3 | |
Studies first aid, CDL, basic use and care of personal protective equipment, use and care of climbing equipment, daily inspection and basic use of motorized equipment. (1-3.5) |
IMA100IMA1700 |
Introduction to Industrial Maintenance | 3 | |
Provides an overall perspective and foundation for the person entering the industrial maintenance field. The fundamentals of machine operations commonly utilized in the process and energy industry will be presented. Maintenance personnel duties and responsibilities, general maintenance procedures, basic maintenance tools and equipment, basic fastening and securing and machine operating specifications will be covered. Emphasis will be placed upon the understanding of machine documentation. The student will be introduced to the logical process utilized in the diagnosis machinery and control system troubleshooting. Workplace safety will be stressed throughout the course. (1-3.5) |
IMA120IMA1500 |
Industrial Rotating Equipment | 3 | |
Explains the theory, operation, and maintenance of rotating equipment found in industrial environments such as gears, bearings, pumps, and compressors. Mechanical power transmission systems including direct coupling, belt drives, and chain drives are studied. Alignment techniques are practiced and related to the impact on machine vibration and equipment failures. The principals involved in the operation of centrifugal and positive displacement pumps and compressors will be discussed along with the function of connected components. (1-3.5) |
IMA160IMA1400 |
Basic Fluid Power | 3 | |
Provide an understanding of the fundamentals of fluid power, hydraulic transmission of force and energy, operation at the suction side of the pump, petroleum based hydraulic fluids, fire resistant hydraulic fluids, flow rates and velocity, properties of hydraulic fluids, and the function and construction of basic elements of a hydraulic or fluid power system. The course will cover hydraulic symbols and prints used in industry. (1-3.5) |
MAT107MAT1140 |
Career Math: Program Emphasis | 3 | |
Agriculture Emphasis - Covers material designed for career and technical students who need to study particular mathematical topics. Topics include measurement, algebra, geometry, statistics, and graphs. These are presented at an introductory level and the emphasis is on applications. Prerequisite: Successful completion of MAT0250 or MAT0300 with a "C" grade or better or appropriate placement scores. (3-0) Wind/Welding Emphasis - Covers material designed for career and technical students who need to study particular mathematical topics. Topics include measurement, algebra, geometry, and graphs. These are presented at an introductory level and the emphasis is on applications. Prerequisite: Successful completion of MAT0250 or MAT0300 with a "C" grade or better or appropriate placement scores. (3-0) |
Choose a 2 credit WEL course. |
Course Number | Course Title | Credits | Details |
ELT106ELT1206 |
Fundamentals of DC/AC | 4 | |
Introduces the basic skills needed for many careers in electronics and related fields. Covers the operations and applications of basic DC and AC circuits consisting of resistors, capacitors, inductors, transformers and diodes. Emphasizes the use of common test instruments in troubleshooting. Corequisite: Successful completion of MAT1140 or higher with a "C" grade or better. (1-5) |
ELT252ELT2252 |
Motors & Controls | 3 | |
Enables the student to study, construct, test, and evaluate basic industrial control systems, including AC/DC motors, stepper motors, power sources, generators, tachometers, line diagrams, and logic functions. Covers safety standards and preventive maintenance. Prerequisite: Successful completion of ELT1206 or EIC1201 with a "C" grade or better. (1-3.5) |
WTG110WTG1010 |
Wind Turbine Generator Power & Control Systems | 3 | |
Provides a comprehensive overview of the wind turbine generator systems. Focus will be on the power distribution and systems controls including theory, application, component identification, and schematics. Safety and appropriate Personal Protective Equipment will be emphasized in lab environment. Prerequisite: Successful completion of ELT1206 or EIC1201 with a "C" grade or better. (1-3.5) |
MIL101MIL1001 |
Lifting Devices | 1 | |
Introduces the student to the types of rigging/lifting devices used in industry. Skills include the correct use of slings and common rigging hardware, including safe loading practices and the use of ANSI hand signals. (0.5-1) |
HWE103HWE1001 |
Community First Aid and CPR | 1 | |
Prepares the student for certification in CPR and Basic First Aid. Skills will include basic life support, airway obstruction, control of bleeding, shock, and patient care for the unconscious. (1-0) |
WTG289WTG2089 |
Wind Technician Capstone | 2 | |
Provides a comprehensive overview of the Wind Technician Program, giving the student a unified picture of the wind industry and the role of the wind technician. Students are further prepared for entering industry by developing their own resume, introduced to online job services, and industry organizations. Current and future wind industry niches and trends will be discussed to give the students possible career paths to look further into and plan for. Prerequisite: Permission of Chair or Instructor. (2-0) |
ENG115ENG1015 |
Technical English & Communication | 3 | |
Focuses on the written and oral communication needs of students in vocational and technical fields. Enables the student to practice written, oral, reading, reasoning, and interpersonal communication skills in order to become successful (or to remain successful) in the workplace. (3-0) |
CIS118CIS1018 |
Introduction to PC Applications | 3 | |
This course introduces basic computer terminology, file management, and PC system components. Provides an overview of office application software including word processing, spreadsheets, databases, and presentation graphics. Includes the use of a web browser to access the Internet. (3-0) |
Course Number | Course Title | Credits | Details |
WTG220WTG2620 |
Wind Turbine Generator Troubleshooting & Repair | 4 | |
Introduces students to standards and techniques of wind turbine technician operations, maintenance, troubleshooting, and repair. Emphasis on teamwork, safety, accuracy, and efficiency as well as basic troubleshooting techniques. Discussion will cover building, commissioning, warranty, operations and maintenance, and hotshot troubleshooting crews and work environments. Prerequisite: Successful completion of ELT1206 or EIC1201 with a "C" grade or better. (1-5) |
Course Number | Course Title | Credits | Details |
ELT258ELT2358 |
Programmable Logic Controllers | 3 | |
Covers the fundamentals of programmable logic controllers (PLCs) as they are applied in robotics and automation. Includes history, terminology, typical applications, hardware, and software. Incorporates lab and project activities that address operating, monitoring, programming, troubleshooting, and repairing PLC controlled lab trainers as well as actual industrial equipment. Prerequisite: Successful completion of ELT1206 or EIC1201 AND ELT2252 with a "C" grade or better. (1-3.5) |
ELT259ELT2359 |
Advanced Programmable Logic Control | 3 | |
Serves as the second in a two course sequence and covers advanced topics and applications for programmable logic controllers (PLCs) as they are applied in robotics and automation. Includes advanced programming, diagnostics, Human Machine Interfaces (HMIs), introduction to automation networking, and system integration. Incorporates lab and project activities that address designing, operating, monitoring, programming, analyzing, troubleshooting, and repairing PLC controlled lab trainers as well as actual industrial equipment. Prerequisite: Successful completion of ELT2358 with a "C" grade or better. (1-3.5) |
EIC220EIC2320 |
Industrial Electrical Controls I | 4 | |
Studies the application of electrical and electromechanical sensing/control devices; heating, ventilating and air conditioning applications; motor control, conveyor drives and other industrial applications. Students design control systems to meet assigned conditions, use principles of relay logic to prepare correct ladder diagrams and wire up, test and trouble-shoot their systems in the laboratory. The course stresses accuracy, safety and National Electric Code requirements. Prerequisite: Successful completion of ELT1206 or EIC1201 with a "C" grade or better. (1-5) |
COM115COM1150 |
Public Speaking | 3 | |
Combines the basic theory of speech communication with public speech performance skills. Emphasizes on speech delivery, preparation, organization, support, audience analysis, and delivery. (3-0) |
MAN128MAN1028 |
Human Relation-Organizations | 3 | |
Introduces interpersonal relations most directly linked to attainment of organizational and individual goals in the business world. Other factors include motivation, career development, and conflict resolution. It explores the importance of effective communication in organizations. Addresses organizational issues such as employee motivation and customer complaints as related to product or service defects. (3-0) |
Choose one of the following courses, 3 credits minimum.
Course Number | Course Title | Credits | Details |
EMS115EMS1015 |
Emergency Medical Responder | 3 | |
Provides the student with core knowledge and skills to function in the capacity of a first responder arriving at the scene of an emergency and providing supportive care until advanced EMS help arrives. (2-1.5) |
MAN226MAN2026 |
Principles of Management | 3 | |
Provides an overview of the principles of management. Emphasis is on the primary functions of planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling with a balance between the behavioral and operational approaches. (3-0) |
OR Choose 3 Credits of WEL Courses |