Couple on laptop in field
Area of Study

Agriculture Business Management

Agriculture Commodity Marketing


The Commodity Marketing Certificate introduces you to commodity marketing and teaches you to utilize a defined, written marketing plan. Potential products completed in this certificate program include, but are not limited to, a list of marketing strategies, basis schedules, field tracking systems, marketing plans, and production databases.

Program Learning Outcomes:

  • Analyze price behavior using technical analysis and fundamental analysis.
  • Complete the final steps in the development of a marketing plan.
  • Develop a cost-of-production database.
  • Maintain and refine their computerized record-keeping system.

Program Requirements

Total Credits 18
Course Number Course Title Credits Details
Commodity Marketing I 3

Determine marketing strategies for agriculture commodities. Discussion will include identifying marketing information sources and defining marketing terminology. The students will also examine ways they can use current and forward marketing strategies in their operation. Course will also focus on enterprise identification and refinement of software enterprise features for production data. (5-7.5-41.7)

Commodity Marketing II 3

Identify the function of basis in market price discovery, how to calculate margin account futures activity, and how to utilize option contracts in mitigating market risks. Investigation of software applications to further the calculations for production costs will be addressed. (5-7.5-41.7)

Commodity Marketing III 3

Utilizes enterprise production data and its impact on cash flow to determine marketing strategies. (5-7.5-41.7)

Commodity Marketing IV 3

Analyzes price behavior using both technical and fundamental analysis. A marketing plan will be developed using calculated production costs and marketing strategies. (5-7.5-41.7)

Commodity Marketing V 3

Covers evaluations and revisions of a marketing plan using actual production costs, local marketing alternatives, futures and option contracts, and technical analysis. Utilization of the plan will be determined. (5-7.5-41.7)

Commodity Marketing VI 3

Covers evaluation and refining of cost of production for all enterprises to select marketing strategies. Utilize these calculations in developing and implement a production data base. (5-7.5-41.7)