ADN Nursing Student Handbook 2023-2024

Insubordination and Misconduct

Insubordination or misconduct will not be tolerated.  Violations will be reported to the Vice President of Student Services and will activate the process pursuant to the NJC Procedure. 

Disciplinary Policy

Northeastern Junior College student handbook has additional information on disciplinary procedures. Please refer to the student code of conduct in the NJC’s student handbook, as well as System President’s Procedure 4-30 Student Discipline and Board Policy 4-30 Student Disciplinary Procedure.  The NJC catalog and Student Handbook can be found at .  The nursing program handbook sets high standards. This is due to the high professional standards in nursing and the need to consider patient safety. A nursing student continues to have the right to appeal any decision. 

Procedure: It shall be the responsibility of the Vice President of Student Services to discipline for any violations of the NJC code of conduct or the nursing code of conduct.  Examples of activities that may result in disciplinary procedures, include but are not limited to:

  1. Failure to give advance notice of absence from assigned clinical practice.
  2. Evidence that there is drug/alcohol use during scheduled school activities.
  3. Diverting drugs in the clinical setting.
  4. Negligence in performance of nursing duties.
  5. Failure to demonstrate behaviors indicative of professional integrity (cheating on exams, plagiarism, etc.) 
  6. Verbally or physically abusive behavior toward patients, faculty, staff, or students.
  7. Unprofessional behavior in any setting
  8. Violation of the policies stated in this handbook

Incident Reports are completed and filed in the student’s nursing program record/file when a student violates a critical behavior.  The student and instructor will fill out the report with a remediation plan and date identified.

  1. The student may receive one warning before the incident report is filed, but this is at the discretion of the instructor.
  2. A student who received 3 incident reports while in the nursing program will be dismissed from the program.
  3. The following are examples of critical behaviors:
    1. Not prepared for clinicals i.e. clinical paperwork not complete
    2. Fails to check patient allergies and ID band before administration of medications or procedures
    3. Frequent absences in class, lab and/or clinical
    4. Frequent being tardy in class, lab or clinical  
    5. Violation of Dress Code
    6. Smoking while at clinical facilities or while in uniform
    7. Attitudinal factors or poor display of professionalism at the instructor’s discretion
    8. Cell phone use during class or clinical.
    9. Any violation of the handbook.


The following are examples that may lead to college suspension:

  1. Charting or reporting completion of nursing interventions or medical orders when in fact such action was not taken
  2. Failure to report errors 
  3. Assuming responsibilities or performing skills in which the student has not been instructed or those not within the Scope of Practice
  4. Violation of confidentiality
  5. Unsafe performance of clinical practice

 The due process of the disciplinary procedure shall occur as soon as possible following the event of summary suspension if requested by the student, 

Students are also expected to adhere to the other rights, freedoms, and responsibilities outlined in the Student Code of Conduct, in the Northeastern Junior College Handbook, and the current college catalog.  The NJC catalog and Student Handbook can be found at