asg leaders 2021

Student Government

The Associated Student Government at Northeastern is a student self-government system established to promote student activities, student involvement in campus activities, provide student leadership opportunities, and student development.

The Associated Student Government consists of three main components: The Executive Officers, Student Senate and the Campus Activities Board (CAB).

Students elect the Executive Officers and Student Senators, while the Campus Activities Board is comprised of one representative from each active club on campus. Student Senate consists of representatives from each of the three academic divisions. The Northeastern Associated Student Government works closely with campus clubs and students to create a more active and engaged student body through the ASG Event Series and committees.

Student & Alumni Profiles

Lindsey Nestor
Student Profile
Lindsey Nestor

For a small town community college, the campus has the environment of a university and it is beautiful.

Jessica Teter
Student Profile
Jessica Teter

While I was looking at nursing schools, NJC stood out to me because of the amazing nursing staff.

Hailey Fehringer
Student Profile
Hailey Fehringer

The electives available at Northeastern are great to explore your interests.


Brant Davis
Director- Residence Life and Student Activities
Hays Student Center 113
Brant Davis dark brown hair with a black shirt on