Northeastern Junior College
Safety & Security

Clery Act and the Annual Security Report

In compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act of 1998, a consumer protection law that requires transparency and accountability, Northeastern publishes its Annual Security Report each year in order to provide accurate information about campus crime statistics.

Northeastern Junior College values the safety and security of our campus community, including all of its students, faculty, staff and visitors.  The Department of Education enforces the Clery Act. A copy of the Annual Security Report, the daily campus Crime Log, the Fire Log or the Annual Fire Safety Report, may be obtained from or viewed on request, free of charge, at the Student Services office.

Annual Security Reports

A copy of the Annual Security Report and the Annual Fire Safety Report, are available to you at no charge. These logs contain information on any crime or fire events that happen on campus. This document details the policies and procedures that Northeastern Junior College uses to deter and respond to crimes on campus.  In it, you will find listings of the measures that Northeastern Junior College has taken to help you maintain your personal safety.  You will also find suggestions on how you can increase your own safety, as well as the information required by the Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990, the Campus Crime Disclosure Act of 1998, and the Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act of 2000.

Please contact the Coordinator of Campus Safety at 970-521-6683, or the Vice President of Student Services at 970-521-6657 for a full version. Full versions of the Annual Security Report and Annual Fire Report will be sent via email (PDF version), or can be available for pick-up at a scheduled appointment. You may also reach out to them for a copy of the Daily Crime Log as well as the Fire Log.

Annual Security Report

Why NJC conducts a Biennial Review 

This review allows NJC to stay in compliance with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act. The signed review is housed in the Office of the Vice President of Student Services in the Hays Student Center at Northeastern Junior College. The on-line version can be accessed at October, 2024 Drug-Free Schools & Communities Act Biennial Review of AOD Programs at NJC | Northeastern Junior College

This is also where all of our campus documents and policies are located, including the NJC Student Handbook, which contains all of the rules, procedures, and sanctions for alcohol and drug offenses. The campus safety report and the crime statistics report can also be found at the NJC Campus Safety web link. 

This review covers the period from August 2022 through August 2024. The review panel is as follows: 
Review Panel

Cindy Carey, Student Guidance Coordinator

Jeri Estrada, Director of Human Resources

Marci Henry, Director of Athletics/Events Center

Andrea Orin, Director of Student Success, Equity and Inclusion

Andrew De Souza, Coordinator of Campus Safety

Steve Smith, Vice President of Student Services 

Brant Davis, Director of Residence Life & Student Activities

The panel collected the data and information in the review by year-round documentation of programs and reports, by information gathered for the Campus Safety Report, by Clery data, and by department records. 

Conducted Compliance Checklist 

1. The institution does provide annually to each employee and each full-time student that is taking classes for academic credit written materials that meet the requirements for compliance. A copy of this document is on file and is updated every year. We include an insert in the first bill mailing. 

2. The HR department distributes information and CCCS System drug and alcohol policies to all new employees. Updated information is regularly distributed to faculty and staff via email announcements, web postings, and in-service workshops. 

3. The Vice President of Student Services has responsibility for conducting the biennial review of NJC’s drug and alcohol prevention program to determine effectiveness, implement necessary changes and ensure that disciplinary sanctions are enforced. This is done, in part, through a review of disciplinary records to assess effectiveness of disciplinary sanctions imposed on students. 

4. The biennial review document is stored in the Vice President of Student Services office. This review contains all NJC alcohol and other drug prevention programming and procedures. 

Conducted review of AOD program using the Supplemental Checklist 

Statement of NJC’s AOD Program goals and description how we achieve those goals: 

The Alcohol and Other Drugs Education program at NJC provides multiple levels of influence for better decision making on the part of students and staff to keep healthy and safe and out of legal difficulty regarding alcohol/drug use. The Student Services units of Student Success and Student Life provide a variety of educational programs to the campus. The Student Services judicial area utilizes a system of educational sanctions regarding violations of the zero tolerance for alcohol and other drugs use on the campus. The NJC Athletic program holds athletes accountable to alcohol/drug-free living. The administration has supportive relationships with local law enforcement to assist in managing on and off campus activities. Faculty and staff all play an ongoing support role in their leadership and interaction with students. 


Create a campus community that is conducive to academic and personal success by providing a comprehensive AOD prevention program consisting of the following program elements: 

Description of AOD Program Elements (Areas of Environmental Interventions) 

1. Alcohol Free Options 

Our campus is alcohol free, largely because most students who attend and live in our residence halls are not 21 years old. The Student Activities and Residential Life areas of the campus create and promote alcohol free event and activities throughout the year. The 25+ clubs on campus promote student service learning and student leadership opportunities. We have a very active intramural program and Event Center with aerobic and fitness center facilities that are heavily used by students and employees. The Event Center offers extended hours and residence halls have student-gathering areas after hours. Athletic competitive events are attended by many students as well as theatrical and musical productions, and other campus activities. 

2. Normative Environment 

The college promotes a healthy, alcohol free image to new students with expectations set out as part of all orientation programs. The academic schedule offers core classes on Mondays through Fridays; very few on Saturdays. 

All residence halls are substance free and enforce a zero tolerance for under-age drinking or illegal drug use. The campus encourages high academic standards and faculty and staff engage in high levels of contact with students. There are programming efforts conducted throughout the year by RA’s that address education about misperceptions of drinking norms. Student leadership on our campus promotes positive, healthy norms. Any student in a leadership role is required to adhere to a leadership code of conduct. Pro health messages are a part of ongoing programming by Student Life & Student Success staff. Local resources include S.A.R.A. House (Sexual Assault Resource Advocates), which ties in alcohol and drug use to their sexual assault prevention programs. New Pathways is another local resource that provides support to addicts, as well as promotes Overdose Awareness Day. Regular messages regarding information about alcohol appear in the NJC Porcelain Press, a bi-weekly publication that is posted in all campus restrooms and on social media.

3. Alcohol/Marijuana Availability 

Alcohol & marijuana are banned on campus. Marijuana is legal for use in the State of Colorado for persons over the age of 21. However, because NJC is covered under federal law, alcohol and marijuana possession and use is banned on campus. The number and concentration of alcohol outlets near campus are limited. There are no marijuana dispensaries in Sterling or Logan County currently. 

4. Alcohol/Marijuana Marketing and Promotion 

Alcohol/marijuana advertising on campus is prohibited and non-existent. No advertising is allowed on campus bulletin boards. We currently do not limit or prohibit the sale of shot glasses, beer mugs or pint glasses in the NJC bookstore. 

5. Policy Development and Enforcement 

We believe the AOD prevention program in conjunction with consistent enforcement of AOD policies on campus have been very good. Local law enforcement departments are partners in enforcement of underage drinking violations on campus. This has resulted in very few second violations. The community police respond to campus calls about MIP and DUI concerns. Periodic undercover operations are used at retail alcohol outlets. All first-year residence hall and commuter students are required to participate in the on-line Alcohol-Wise alcohol awareness and prevention program prior to arriving to NJC in the fall. Alcohol-Wise addresses consequences of under-aged and abusive drinking in college. Students also are required to complete Cannabis-Wise.

The residence halls conduct orientation programs and invite community and campus presenters into their hall for presentations/ educational programs. Sanctions for AOD violations may include completing various self-assessments that are used in a required session with the Student Guidance Coordinator. These assessments include Check-Up to Go, Alcohol Pop Quiz, and others.

The Athletic department holds athletes accountable to alcohol/drug free living. There is a set policy that the Athletic department follows regarding AOD issues. 

AOD Policy 

The AOD appears on web site and in Student Handbook (3.24). This is widely distributed through orientation and mailings.

3.24    Substance Abuse Involving Alcohol and/or Marijuana

Statement of Compliance

Northeastern Junior College recognizes the social and personal consequences of drinking alcohol and the pressure to drink as part of the college rite of passage as a young adult. We also recognize the college's responsibility to enforce the state law, which limits legal consumption of alcohol to persons over twenty-one years of age, and the Drug and Alcohol-Free Campus Federal Law, which restricts any alcohol or drugs on campus or associated with a college activity.  As a local, state and federally funded college we must abide by all legal regulations and then realistically deal with the student behaviors related to alcohol use/abuse.

Note:  The College may notify parents/guardians when their son/daughter violates the substance abuse policy after the first violation. This notification is allowed to all parents/guardians of students under the age of 21 years.  The college reserves the right to withhold notification on the first violation but will notify parents for any violation after level one.

Note: Although possession and use of marijuana for certain medical conditions consistent with the requirements of the Colorado constitution is no longer a crime in the State of Colorado, the possession and use of marijuana remains illegal under federal law.  Consistent with federal law, including the Controlled Substances Act and the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act, the use and/or possession of marijuana continues to be prohibited while a student is on campus, including in campus housing.

Police: The College will notify police when students are in possession of alcohol, marijuana and/or other drugs in a residence hall room or any other location on campus. This procedure applies to all discipline levels including level one.

Philosophy of Enforcement

Northeastern Junior College will respond to all known incidents of alcohol possession on campus property or any college activity and any other violations of the Student Code of Conduct.  Strictly punitive measures as required by law do not serve the needs of our students. Violations of the alcohol policy will be dealt with at the education and behavior change level first.  The goal of the Alcohol/Drug Education Procedure is to inform, educate and seek behavior change.  The college assumes each student is developmentally normal and will respond to reasonable educational sanctions regarding alcohol use. The four-level education/intervention strategy provides appropriate assistance from the experimental user through the difficult chemical dependent level of addiction. Northeastern Junior College will abide by all laws while providing alcohol/drug education and will enforce appropriate disciplinary consequences of all alcohol use.

Note: Situations where excessive quantities of alcohol/marijuana are found may result in the disciplinary level/sanction being enforced at a higher level. A resident hall student who is in possession of a large amount of marijuana may face eviction from the residence halls. 

Note: A combination of alcohol, marijuana, and/or other drug offenses in a single incident will result in an increase in the sanction levels of any/all procedures. 

Level One - Educational Sanctions

A student who has been reported for a first violation of the alcohol/marijuana policy will be required to complete the following educational sanctions (Note: Presence of paraphernalia or devices used to smoke marijuana is also considered a level one violation.) 

1.  Explanation of Procedure

A Residence Hall Director, Director of Residence Life, Student Guidance Coordinator, or Vice President of Student Services will review the procedure and will give the student the appropriate assessment to complete and turn into the Student Success Center staff. The student will be required to schedule an appointment with the Student Guidance Coordinator within 30 days of the report of the offense. The student has five days to complete an appeal through appropriate due process if deemed necessary. 

2.  Assessment of Need/Educational Sanctions

The student will be required to participate in an appointment with the Student Guidance Coordinator to determine if counseling assistance is needed and to discuss the results of the assessment.  If the student lives on campus, they are required to meet with a Residence Hall Director (or an Assistant Hall Director, Director of Residence Life, or the Vice President of Student Services) to be assigned appropriate Educational Sanctions. Completion of all sanctions is required before any future enrollment at the college. The Vice President of Student Services or the Director of Residential Life will monitor the completion of all educational sanctions. A hold will be placed on the student account until the student has met with the Student Guidance Coordinator and completed the Educational Sanction. The hold will prevent the student from adding/dropping/withdrawing from classes or obtaining an official transcript.

3. Disciplinary Probation

A student who has been reported for a first violation of the alcohol/marijuana procedure will be placed on Disciplinary Probation for thirty (30) days, beginning at the time the offense is reported. Additional violations during the warning period will cause the probation to increase two levels.

4. Community Service
The student will be required to complete supervised community service hours. The number of community service hours assigned will be determined by a Residence Hall Director (or an Assistant Hall Director, Director of Residence Life, or the Vice President of Student Services).

 Level Two - Alcohol/Drug Education Class

1.  Assessment of Need

The student will be required to schedule an appointment with the NJC Student Guidance Coordinator. This needs to be scheduled within 30 days of the report of the offense. The student will be required to attend an Assessment appointment with NJC Student Success Services to determine if counseling assistance is needed and to complete an assessment.  This assessment will take into consideration information regarding prior violation. Based on the assessment, the student may be required to complete additional counseling and assigned appropriate educational sanctions.

2.  Alcohol/Drug Education Class

A student who has been reported for a second violation of the alcohol/drug procedure within four (4) enrolled semesters will be required to enroll in an Alcohol/Drug Education Class. This class addresses participant’s knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors concerning alcohol and other drugs; encourages low risk decision making, positive lifestyle changes and provides appropriate referral for those in need of further services.  The student will be required to show proof of completion of this class prior to the next enrollment period.  The student will pay the cost of the class. A hold will be placed on the student account until the student has met with the Student Guidance Coordinator and completed the Educational Sanction. The hold will prevent the student from adding/dropping/withdrawing from classes or obtaining an official transcript.

3. Community Service

The student will be required to complete supervised community service hours. The number of community service hours assigned will be determined by a Residence Hall Director (or an Assistant Hall Director, Director of Residence Life, or the Vice President of Student Services).

4.  Disciplinary Probation

A student who has been reported for a second violation of the alcohol/marijuana policy within four (4) enrolled semesters will be placed on Disciplinary Probation for sixty (60) days. Violations during the warning period will cause the probation to increase two levels.

Note: Disciplinary Probation may cause loss of NJC Scholarship support and/or loss of participation in any activity representing the college, for the duration of the probation status.

5.  Parental Notification of Enrolled Students Under 21 years of age.

The parents of a student, under 21 years of age that is reported for a Second Level Alcohol/Marijuana Violation may be notified within seven (7) days of the violation.  This notification will include the report for the Level One or the first alcohol/marijuana violation.  The parents of a student, under 21 years of age that is reported for a Third or Fourth Level Alcohol/Marijuana Violation may be notified within seven (7) days of the violation.  This notification will include the report for all prior alcohol and drug violations. 

Level Three - Professional Assessment and Alcohol/Drug Education Class

1.  Chemical Assessment

A student who has been reported for a third alcohol/marijuana violation within four (4) enrolled semesters will be required to receive an individual alcohol/drug assessment by a certified chemical dependency counselor.  The assessment may include a series of chemical dependency tests that would direct personal strategies to avoid chronic alcohol/drug use. The chemical dependency counselor could recommend continued treatment and personal/social changes that would become a requirement to continue as a student.  Should the counselor deem an Alcohol/Drug Education class as appropriate, the student will assume costs of assessment and continued treatment.

2.  Extended Disciplinary Probation

A student who has been reported for a third violation of the alcohol/marijuana procedure within four (4) enrolled semesters will be placed on Disciplinary Probation for ninety (90) days. Violations during the warning period will cause the probation to increase two levels, which would cause suspension. See Level Four. 

3. Community Service

The student will be required to complete supervised community service hours. The number of community service hours assigned will be determined by a Residence Hall Director (or an Assistant Hall Director, Director of Residence Life, or the Vice President of Student Services).

Level Four - Chemical Dependency Treatment

1.  Suspension for Further Assessment/Treatment Recommended

A student who has been reported for a fourth violation of the alcohol/marijuana procedure within four (4) enrolled semesters will be suspended from the report date until all required conditions are met for re-admittance.  This suspension will be for the balance of the current enrolled semester and the following semester. 

2.  Treatment Certification

The chemically dependent student will be required to receive a professional chemical assessment, encouraged to pursue substance abuse counseling &/or treatment, and submit an appeal for re-admission to be reviewed by the Vice President of Student Services.

Northeastern Junior College will enforce the Alcohol and Drug Educational Sanctions for all enrolled students as written and we presume each student is developmentally normal and capable of responding to all reasonable sanctions.  Northeastern Junior College is not a treatment facility for alcohol/drug abuse; we are an educational institution promoting responsible personal behaviors and understanding of alcohol/drug use through an effective and reasonable Alcohol/Drug Education Procedure.

3.24(a) Substance Abuse Involving any Illegal/Controlled Substance

Northeastern Junior College strives to educate students as well as preserve a positive educational environment for all learners and active participants in the learning process.  In order to provide a consistent and fair judicial process for all students, the following policy is based upon four main criteria: 1. Repeat violations by the student; 2. By type of controlled substance (i.e. cocaine, heroin, meth.); 3. The amount of controlled substance present; 4. The possible intent of the violator to use or distribute.

Evidence of abuse of over the counter and prescription medications and herbal substances will be considered Substance Abuse violations and may result in eviction, suspension, or expulsion.

Controlled Substance/Other Drugs Violation: Judicial Levels

Level One - Private or Group Possession/Use 

Level One is possession only with no intent to sell or distribute. With possession there may be other people present—either students or non-students. There may be intent to use the substance, or it may simply be in the presence of others. All persons present will be subject to the sanction. Amount and type of illegal substance in possession does not exceed a misdemeanor legal summons.  An amount of controlled-illegal substance that is excessive beyond a misdemeanor level will cause Level Two or Level Three sanctions. Many substances are considered felony regardless of amount. In these instances, the sanctions will be those of Level Two or Level Three. Eviction may occur, as defined in Level Two.

Sanctions for Level One

An illegal possession will result in a police call for summons – always.  This will require educational sanctions to be assigned and referral to NJC Student Success Center for assessment of need. The student must schedule an appointment with the NJC Student Guidance Coordinator within 14 days of the report of the offense/ The student will also be referred to an off-campus chemical counselor for an assessment at their own expense. Disciplinary Probation is for sixty (60) days.  A repeat offense involving substance abuse within a four (4) semester time frame will result in a Level Three College Sanction of interim action.

Level Two – Private Group Possession/Use

Level Two is the second offense of what is stated above, in Level One. 

Sanctions for Level Two

An illegal possession/use of a controlled substance will result in a police call for a summons – always. The college judicial action is immediate eviction (within 2 to 24 hours) and complete restriction from any residence hall and cafeteria.  Disciplinary Probation is assigned for one (1) semester or ninety (90) days.  A repeat offense involving a violation of substance abuse within a four (4) semester time frame will result in a Level Three College Sanction of interim action.

Level Three - Possession with Intent to Sell or Distribute

Possession of an excessive amount is interpreted as intent to sell or distribute.  There may have been observed behavior of selling, distributing of an illegal-controlled substance.  This activity may be confined to one room or expanded to more than one area on campus.  Amount and type of controlled substance exceeds the misdemeanor level.

Sanctions for Level Three

An illegal possession/use and distribution of a controlled substance will result in a police call for summons – always.  The college judicial action is immediate eviction (within 2 hours) and an interim action from college, which may result in suspension following an investigation. As part of the interim action, complete removal from campus property will take place within two (2 hours) with police escort and total restriction from returning to campus until further notice.

Psychological Risks:

Some of the leading psychological risks of alcohol/drug use are:

  • Lateness to work or class 
  • Temper tantrums
  • Attendance problems
  • Domestic violence
  • Inattentive-short attention
  • False confidence
  • Sluggish physically
  • Safety hazard
  • Criminal activity to support abuse
  • Distortion of reality
  • Hallucinations
  • Memory blackouts
  • Hyperactive to depression
  • Addiction
  • Medical Risks

Some of the leading medical risks are:

  • Damage to lungs
  • Addiction
  • Damage to reproductive system 
  • Malnutrition
  • Damage to immune system
  • Brain seizure
  • Permanent loss of brain function
  • Overdose-death
  • Serious kidney/liver damage

Drug/Alcohol Treatment:

Northeastern Junior College encourages all students who have identified drug or alcohol problems to seek rehabilitation treatment before disciplinary sanctions have to be implemented as outlined in the student procedures.  Most treatment programs which are supervised by professional doctors, psychologists are covered under most student health insurance programs. Student may receive on-campus assistance from the NJC Student Success Office, phone (970) 521-6663.

Local Resources:

Northeastern Junior Student Success Center & Student Guidance Coordinator – (970) 521-6663

NJC has a professional Student Guidance Coordinator trained in drug/alcohol and behavior intervention. This center is a first step in determining the needed support and resources for an individual’s problem with alcohol or drug education.  Consultation and referrals to other agencies and treatment programs are made.

Centennial Mental Health
211 West Main Street
Sterling, CO  80751

(970) 522-4392 (24 hours)

General treatment and alcohol/drug treatment programs.

CMH provides comprehensive community based mental health services consisting of outpatient clinic, partial care, residential, inpatient, consultation and education.  Centennial also provides crisis and emergency intervention services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

They also provide Level II and III Alcohol Education Therapy groups to DUI drivers and court referrals. CMH also provides volunteer outpatient services and referrals for persons seeking treatment for alcohol and drug related problems.

Alcoholic Anonymous Groups
1325 North 7th Street
Sterling, CO 80751

 (970) 522-4538

AA and Al Anon meetings are held several times a week.  These serve as support groups for people desiring to stop drinking as well as for family and friends.

New Pathways
216 N. 3rd Street
Sterling, CO 80751

(970) 526-6577

New Pathways is a community counseling center that focuses primarily on substance abuse. They have weekly support groups and classes in dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), moral reduction therapy (MRT0, relapse prevention, and more.

Advocates for Recovery
217 N. Front Street
Sterling, CO 80751

(970) 425-2258

Advocates for Recovery is a non-profit organization that supports all avenues of recovery. It focuses on peer support and provides weekly peer-guided recovery meetings and sober events to the community.

State of Colorado Resources:

A list of statewide drug and alcohol treatment resources is available upon request from the NJC Guidance Coordinator. This includes the Colorado Crisis Line (844) 493-TALK. Employees of the college also have Counseling Services available through C-SEAP. Information about C-SEAP can be obtained in Walker Hall and the Human Resources Office.

The college conducts biennial reviews to determine program effectiveness, to show if procedures implemented need changes and to ensure disciplinary sanctions are enforced fairly and consistently.

AA and Al Anon meetings are held several times a week. These serve as support groups for people desiring to stop drinking as well as for family and friends. 

C. Summary of NJC’s AOD Program’s Strengths and Challenges:

Strengths: The high level of involvement in student activities on an alcohol-free campus. Enforcement of AOD policies as well as educational follow up efforts as part of the disciplinary process. Educational programs are delivered to the campus throughout the year. The NJC Athletic program supports the alcohol-free environment with enforcement of rules for athletes including random drug testing. Athletes also complete “Step-Up” which addresses bystander intervention and how to make good decisions involving drugs and alcohol, while under peer pressure. Participation in “Step Up” is ongoing throughout the year. 

In response to the Opioid crisis, units of Narcan have been placed in all instructional buildings and residence halls. RA’s have been trained in the use of Narcan.

Northeastern Junior College now receives bulk shipments of Naloxone HCL from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE). Narcan is placed strategically across campus and is free of charge to all patrons while supplies remain. 

Northeastern Junior College now displays informational posters across campus to inform students about the dangers of opioid drugs, counterfeit medications, and drug abuse. 

Northeastern Junior College conducted a tabletop exercise about student deaths as a result of opioid abuse. The exercise included first responders from the City of Sterling and Logan County communities. 

Student leaders, Resident Assistants and Associated Student Government officers, routinely plan and execute student programming centered around AOD behavior changes. These programs include programs around student drinking habits, drinking and driving education and safe alternatives to college party trends. NJC is part of the Colorado Alcohol and Drug Educators (CADE) cohort and is actively promoting a social norming campaign around alcohol and illicit drug use. 

We have a personal campus community where faculty and staff interact often with students. Second time disciplinary infractions are low. We offer many social events for residential and commuter students. These activities serve as a viable alternative to drinking events held elsewhere in the community. 

We have also completed the installation of outdoor security cameras across campus, which serves as a deterrent to drug and alcohol illegal activity. Additionally, our campus lighting has been significantly improved in recent years, including the addition of some LED lights. NJC has a strong and active Safety & Security Committee, chaired by our Coordinator of Campus Safety. Several local law enforcement agencies have active representation on this committee.

NJC now tracks our student activities using eRezLife.

Challenges: There continues to be alcohol purchases made for minors by others in the community; there is a need to continue to offer more alternative social events for students on campus. We have no formal campus security, and we need to enhance security efforts in parking areas to assist with prohibition of alcohol/drug use. Some alcohol consumption and driving occurs at parties off campus. Additionally, the college needs to increase the hours of operations (nights and weekends) for popular student spaces (Library, Pete’s Retreat, Fitness Center).

D. Recommendations for revising NJC’s AOD Prevention program: 

1. Northeastern Junior College continually assesses the effectiveness of our hours of operation in the Student Center, Library, Event Center, Pete’s Retreat, and Penny’s Plaza for recreation of an after-hours gathering place on campus. 

2. We need to assess our NJC Peer Educator program to determine effectiveness. It has changed hands frequently and has not been active on campus. It is intended to provide peer led education to students regarding alcohol, drugs, health safety, mental health, human trafficking, vaping and smoking.

3. Additional educational programming is always needed: pro-health messages/posters around campus; social media blitzes. 

4. Continue to assess and enhance lighting, as deemed necessary. 

5. NJC has acquired a grant through CADE to conduct a multi-year social norming campaign specific to the student population of NJC.

6. In August 2024, NJC will implement nighttime grounds and safety monitors which will deter AOD use among students at night.

Use of Alcoholic Beverages Policy and Programs

Drug Free and Alcohol-Free Campus

NJC abides by a “zero tolerance” policy for drugs and alcohol. The NJC policy for Drug Free and Alcohol-Free Campus is included in the current Handbook and is made available to all students and staff on the campus web site or in hardcopy upon request. The college does not allow the possession, consumption, or sale of alcohol or drugs on campus or at any college sponsored events. “Under the Influence,” where a person has detectable signs of using alcohol or drugs, will be considered a college violation. Any student under the legal age will be subject to the educational sanctions required by the college. Do not bring drugs or alcohol onto the campus and do not come to the campus under the influence. For assistance call (970) 521-6663. 

Description of Drug and Alcohol Abuse Education Programs

The Student Services Department at NJC provides the alcohol and drug education program for the campus community. The philosophy behind the program is threefold: education, intervention and prevention. The purpose is to educate the campus community about responsible behaviors regarding alcohol and drugs, to intervene when alcohol and/or drug use interferes with a healthy lifestyle, and to offer lifestyle options that prevent the onset of problems that can result from irresponsible use of alcohol and use of drugs. 

In addition, housing regulations at NJC prohibit the use and/or possession of alcohol or illegal drugs in college housing. The alcohol and drug education program incorporates a component that addresses this regulation and serves as part of the disciplinary and education procedure for students who violate this policy.

The Student Success Center and Student Life departments work closely to deliver education and prevention programs:

  • The NJC Alcohol and Drug Policy is discussed during small group orientation sessions at the beginning of the fall and spring semesters, and in freshman seminar classes. 
  • The Student Handbook, including the drug and alcohol policies and procedures, are posted on NJC ACCESS (the student portal) and on the NJC website.
  • Post-card sized documents with the alcohol and drug policy are distributed across campus (education buildings, residence halls, library, Student Center).
  • The Alcohol-Wise and Cannabis-Wise online programs are required of each new student. Alcohol-Wise is a brief alcohol abuse prevention program. Students are to complete it during the summer months before they arrive for New Student Orientation. In 2022-23, these programs had an 89.72% completion rate. In 2023-24, they had a 94.2% completion rate.
  • During mandatory floor meetings, the RA’s and the Hall Directors explain the NJC Alcohol and Drug policy to residents.
  • When students are referred for alcohol and/or drug violations, part of the sanction is a mandatory meeting with the NJC Student Guidance Coordinator. During this meeting, the guidance coordinator and the student discuss the incident, as well as the role and affect that alcohol and/or drugs have in the student’s life. 
  • With a Level I and a Level II Alcohol Sanction, students complete a written assessment of need. The results of this assessment are discussed with the student during the meeting with the Student Guidance Coordinator. If it is determined that additional counseling may be required, the student is referred to outside alcohol counseling service providers. 
  • With a Level I and a Level II Drug Sanction, students complete a written assessment of need. The results of this assessment are discussed with the student during the meeting with the Student Guidance Coordinator. If it is determined that additional counseling may be required, the student is referred to outside drug counseling service providers. 
  • NJC Residence Life staff make presentations in residence halls throughout the year. Impaired driving and Alcohol Poisoning are topics that are regularly covered and discussed with NJC residents, as well as cannabis programming, and presentations about social norming and healthy alternatives.
  • Referral: Should a student, faculty or staff member exhibit maladjusted behaviors involving the use of alcohol and/or other drugs that warrant more intensive therapy beyond our program, a recommendation is made to contact one of the local counseling agencies. Under circumstances where the policy has been violated, the college may require referral to an alcohol and/or drug rehabilitation program. Finally, under circumstances where an individual is perceived to be a danger to him/her or others as a result of alcohol and/or drug use, the college reserves the right to refer the individual to the appropriate treatment facility or agency. 
  • The NJC CARE Team reviews referrals on students who have been reported for having alcohol and/or drug concerns. The CARE Team follows assessment protocols as taught by NABITA.

Description of Sexual Assault Educational Programs

NJC sponsors a number of educational programs to promote the awareness of rape, acquaintance rape and other sex offenses. 

  • The online sex assault prevention program “Consent and Respect” is required of each new student. Consent and Respect is a brief sexual assault prevention program. Students are to complete it during the summer months before they arrive for New Student Orientation.
    In 2022-23, there was an 89.04% completion rate of this program. And in 2023-24, there was a 93.29% completion rate. 
  • The Residence Life program promotes resident assistant program preventing sexual assault. These include inviting in community resource staff to share information on keeping oneself safe and the risks in a college environment. 
  • Printed information that is available in residence halls and in the Hays Student Center covers the topics of date rape, sexual assault and other related topics including what to do should a rape occur. The Victim/Survivor Resource Guide is given to each individual who reports a sexual assault. It is included in the ASR and is posted on the NJC Website.
  • Crime prevention tips are displayed campus wide via poster and reports. Students that live on campus are given staying safe on campus material at the time that they arrive as part of their orientation. This also occurs for students who stay for shorter periods in the summer semester. 
  • Residence Hall staff are trained as referral people and are knowledgeable about the college and community services available to victims of sexual assault.
  • The Residence Life staff conducts awareness/education promotions throughout the year on sexual responsibility and awareness of safety issues around drinking/drug use and date rape. 
  • The Student Success Center offers a web-based library of self-help materials.
  • Individual personal adjustment assistance, counseling, and support is available by request or by referral in the Student Success Center, Hays Student Center 104.
  • The college has a cooperative relationship with Centennial Mental Health Center, a social service provider for long-term assistance. The college support S.A.R.A. Inc. (Sexual Assault Response Advocates) and establishes communication each year as new staff come into the college. 
  • Title IX emails are sent to all students and employees every fall semester. All students receive this information again in the spring semester.
  • Employees complete a web-based Sexual Assault Prevention program offered through Canopy. The platform will change to “Know B4” in 2023-2024`.
  • All athletes are specifically taught Sexual Assault Prevention and Title IX protocols by our Title IX Coordinator.

The college realizes the necessity of education as a prevention strategy and will continue to seek ways to deliver this message to our students. 

Assistance for Sexual Assault

Northeastern Junior College encourages all student victims of rape, or any sexual offense, to report such crimes to the appropriate police agency where the assault occurred. If an NJC staff member is notified or aware of such an incident, they have responsibility to assist the victim in knowing their options for reporting and to get medical attention. The victim has the right to determine whether they want to report and file charges with local police. When the local police are contacted, an officer trained in sexual assault support services as well as a rape response counselor will respond to preserve evidence, arrange personal/psychological counseling and attend to the immediate needs of the student. Following a sexual assault, the victim’s physical well-being is the primary concern. Support staff on campus will provide support at the request of the victim and confidentiality will be strictly maintained in all sexual offense cases. The college will provide the necessary support to prevent long-term physical and emotional consequences. 

The college also follows lawful procedures for investigating Sexual misconduct in accordance with Title IX laws and regulations. NJC Title IX sexual assault investigators are trained through the Colorado Community College System legal counsel.

Additionally, CCCS has hired a Title IX and Civil Rights Investigator to investigate all allegations of Title IX that are reported at any of the 13 community colleges, including Northeastern Junior College. 

Possible sanctions for rape, acquaintance rape or other sex offenses (forcible or non-forcible) following an on-campus formal report resulting in disciplinary procedure may include, but are not limited to, “probation, suspension, restriction, or dismissal from student housing and/or the college.” The victim must formally report the alleged rape to the chief student affairs officer in order for campus judicial process to move forward. The due process rights of both the alleged victim and perpetrator will be protected.

Preventing Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment incidents must be reported to the Title IX Coordinator which allows the victim to file an informal or formal complaint. In student harassment incidents, both the student victim and the student respondent will be asked to file statements for the judicial decision. College jurisdiction is limited to college enrollment status of any student; the victim may also consider filing legal charges. The college does not tolerate student harassment in any form. For any alleged victim of sexual assault and harassment the college will give the victim the option of changing academic and living situation to alleviate personal distress. 

College and Community Referral Services

NJC support staff are available to assist any sexual assault victim to support the person with personal decisions regarding legal and medical needs.  The college Student Guidance Coordinator will explain the immediate steps to be taken and the resources that are available. The Student Guidance Coordinator will assist the victim with making connections with community resources as needed and desired by the student.

Northeastern Junior College

               Northeastern Junior College Student Success Center                                      (970) 521-6663
              Vice President of Student Services/Title IX Coordinator                                  (970) 521-6657
               Coordinator of Campus Safety                                                                               (970) 521-6683


               S.A.R.A., Ft. Morgan                                                               (970) 867-2121 or (970) 855-440-SARA
               S.A.R.A., Sterling                                                                                                         (970) 526-6092
               S.A.R.A., Yuma                                                                                                            (970) 867-2121

               N.E. Colorado Health Department                                                                         (970) 522-3741

               Help for Abused Partners                                                                                         (970) 522-2307

               Centennial Mental Health                                                                                       (970) 522-4392

               Sterling Police Department                                                                                      (970) 522-3512

               Logan County Sheriff’s Department                                                                      (970) 522-2578


Off Campus Conduct 

The college is a part of the local community and we expect students to be good representatives of the college both on and off campus.  Acceptable conduct for all students is described in the Code of Student Behavioral Expectations and Responsibilities.  Jurisdiction for student legal and behavioral problems off campus/non-college activity are limited to conduct that has impact upon the college and is a violation of the Code of Conduct.  A student violation of law or the Code of Conduct committed off campus that has a severe and detrimental impact on any student, staff or the college is grounds for interim suspension.  The safety and security of students and staff will be considered when off campus conduct warrants college action.  The college has a close working relationship with the Sterling Police Department and the Logan County Sheriff’s Department to preserve and protect the citizens of Logan County and the students and staff of Northeastern Junior College.

On Campus Violations

Ten (10) Alcohol Violations—August 2020 to August 2021 

Twenty-five (25) Alcohol Violations—August 2021-August 2022

Zero (0) Drug Violations—August 2020 to August 2022

The above violations are from the Annual Crime Log (2020, 2021, 2022). The drug violations include Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, as well as both misdemeanor and felony drug offenses.



Andrew De Souza
Coordinator of Campus Safety
970-380-0605 (mobile)
Hays Student Center
Andrew De Souza